Here are some common Windows shortcut keys:
Windows key + E: Open File Explorer
Windows key + R: Open the Run dialog box
Windows key + L: Lock your computer or switch accounts
Windows key + T: Cycle through apps on the taskbar
Windows key + D: Show the desktop
Windows key + P: Project to a different screen
Windows key + Tab: Open the Task View
Windows key + Ctrl + D: Create a new virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow: Switch to the next virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow: Switch to the previous virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Close the current virtual desktop
Windows key + Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps
Windows key + Shift + S: Take a screenshot (Windows 10 only)
Ctrl + C: Copy
Ctrl + X: Cut
Ctrl + V: Paste
Ctrl + A: Select all
Ctrl + Z: Undo
Ctrl + Y: Redo
Ctrl + N: Open a new window or document
Ctrl + W: Close the current window or document
Alt + Tab: Switch between open windows or programs
Windows key + D: Show the desktop
Windows key + E: Open File Explorer
Windows key + L: Lock the computer
Windows key + R: Open the Run dialog box
Windows key + P: Project the screen to another display
Windows key + T: Cycle through the apps on the taskbar
Please note that these are some common shortcuts, but it could vary depending on the version of Windows and the application being used.
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